Wednesday 21st April, 2021 Stafford Gotta Dance
Thursday 22nd April, 2021 Stafford Gotta Dance
Friday 23rd April, 2021 Stafford Gotta Dance
Saturday 24th April, 2021 Stafford Gotta Dance
May Half Term
Tuesday 25th May, 2021 Telford Gotta Dance
Monday 7th June, 2021 Mansfield Gotta Dance
Tuesday 8th June 2021 Cannock Gotta Dance
Wednesday 9th June 2021 Coventry Gotta Dance
Thursday 10th June 2021 Burnley Gotta Dance
Monday 14th June 2021 Cannock Gotta Dance/Sing
Tuesday 15th June 2021 Redditch Gotta Dance
Wednedsay 16th June 2021 Crewe Gotta Dance
Thursday 17th June 2021 Crewe Gotta Dance
Monday 21st June 2021 Chelmsford/Braintree Gotta Dance
Tuesday 22nd June 2021 Chelmsford Gotta Dance
Monday 28th June, 2021 Chesterfield Gotta Sing
Tuesday 29th June, 2021 Chesterfield Gotta Sing
Wednesday 30th June 2021 Hull Gotta Dance
Thursday 1st July 2021 Hull Gotta Dance

SSPA Events strives to provide the best opportunity for a variety of ages and abilities to sing on the big stage in front of large enthusiastic audiences.
SSPA Events are non-competitive performance showcases in professional theatres. There is no theme to the show and any style and genre is happily welcome. Allocated slots are a maximum of 5 minutes per dance for 'GOTTA DANCE', and 15 minutes per choir / vocal group for 'GOTTA SING' .
'Gotta Dance' provides the opportunity for a variety of ages and abilities to sing on the big stage in front of audiences.
The 'Gotta Dance' events are non-competitive performance showcases. There is no theme to the show and any style and genre is happily welcome. Allocated slots are a maximum of 5 minutes per dance.
'Gotta Sing' provides the opportunity for a variety of ages and abilities to sing on the big stage in front of large enthusiastic audiences.
The 'Gotta Sing' events are non-competitive performance showcases. There is no theme to the show and any style and genre is happily welcome. Allocated slots are a maximum of 15 minutes.
Whilst not performing on stage, schools also have the opportunity to sit in the audience and watch the show which makes the experience even more exciting.
Parents are invited and to watch and can purchase tickets direct through the Theatre box office. Please see flyer attached with all booking information.
We ask all schools to encourage parents to come and watch as a full house provides a better atmosphere for all performers.